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Why Water?

Most people think food is the foundation of nutrition, but did you know we could live for several weeks without food, but only a few days without water? When it comes to good nutrition and performance, water is where we want to start our building blocks.

Why is water so important? The human body is made up of more than 50% water, with athletes reaching almost 75% water. Water plays a vital role in most functions of the body, including digestion, brain function, regulating body temperature, maintaining blood volume, transporting nutrients, kidney health, and acting as a lubricant around joints and tissues. Over time, our body will loose its sense of thirst, therefore, by the time most people start to feel thirsty, they are already dehydrated.

How much water do we need? Depending on the size of the person, the amount may vary, but an average of 64 ounces of water a day will keep most people adequately hydrated, with more being needed in hot weather and during exercise.

Can I get my water from other sources? We can get some of our hydration needs from our food. Primarily fruits and vegetables provide a fair amount of water in addition to vitamins, minerals, and fiber. However, even a diet filled with these plants can't keep us fully hydrated. Black coffee and tea can be used toward your water totals, and can provide some additional anti-oxidants, but watch the caffeine content. Caffeine dependency is directly related to poor energy. Decaf coffee and herbal teas might be the better choice to avoid over stimulating the central nervous system.

Does pop, juice, and sport drinks hydrate just as well? Pop and Juice do hydrate but they come with a lot of extras, including calories, sugar, and caffeine. The function of a sport drink is to hydrate and replace lost electrolytes and glycogen during an endurance event (running for 90 minutes or more). It works well in this capacity because sport drinks are dilute enough to empty quickly from the stomach, an important feature during a long strenuous workout. Drinking sport drinks any other time is just drinking extra calories.

Are caffeine free diet beverages a good alternative? The FDA has determined artificial sweeteners like Aspartame, Sucralose, and Saccharin to be safe, therefore it may be a better choice than regular pop or soda if you are watching your calorie and/or sugar load. Be aware that drinking sweet beverages, whether artificially sweetened or not, does stimulate your sweet tooth making it more difficult to control cravings and appetite. Water actually works to improve satiety, therefore control appetite.

Bottom line, water is always the best choice! The next time you experience afternoon fatigue and feel the urge to reach for a cup of coffee and/or something sweet for a “pick-me-up”, try drinking a 12 ounce glass of water first and wait 30 minutes to reassess. Most fatigue is due to a dry brain, that just needs some water to wake it up.

Tips for adding flavor to your water:

•add fresh or frozen fruit: lemon, lime, berries, or melon

•add fresh herbs: mint, basil, cilantro

•add fresh cucumber

•add a cinnamon stick to a hot mug of water

•use herbal (decaffeinated) teas in hot or cold water

•using lots of ice can make a glass of water extra cold and refreshing

•using lots of ice can make a glass of water extra cold and refreshing

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